Yup. It’s been a year and I’m still here. ‘Scuse me whilst I bust a move…
[youtube WAyTK6jF5o8]
I’m not sure what I was planning on writing for this entry. I think I was originally going to try to convey how much of a rock star I am and brag about how awesome my little operation is and will continue to be, but honestly I’m not feeling it (which is not to say these things are untrue). Instead, I find myself overwhelmed with gratitude for the amazing people in my life who made it all possible in the first place.
I definitely couldn’t have made it without the love and strength of my amazing wife Claire. It’s not every woman who will support and even encourage a drastic and uncertain career change when our finances were already less than secure. It’s an even rarer one that will do so while she herself runs the marathon that is the accelerated nursing program. Even then she was never too busy to proofread a blog post or try to convince one of the many random strangers she meets that they need piano lessons. She believed in me from the beginning when I needed it the most, and I love her more than I can say.
The help that came in its various forms from my family has been invaluable and without measure. They poured out constant encouragement and made me certain that I would succeed. My dad also worked on the website, SEO, ads, and all things internet-related. Without him, I may very well be using stone tablets and smoke signals to reach new students. (By the way, he does this kind of thing at WebConstant Media. He’ll do a fantastic job for your startup, even if you’re not related to him).
This awesome logo that I’ve been sporting on the website as well as business cards and ads was designed by my good friend Chris (who, at the moment, is experiencing website difficulties. He will get a link, though!). I gave him a vague concept of what I wanted and the next day he had produced no less than three designs for me to choose from, and it was truly difficult to pick. In addition to lending me his talents he has always been available and willing to hang out and absorb the steam I’ve needed to blow off.
Never in my teaching career would I have thought I would be so lucky to teach the smart, funny, and talented students I do. They have made me the teacher I am and are always pushing me to be better even if they’re unaware of it. And where would they be without the parents that chauffeur them to and fro, push them to improve, and generally just raise them to be such awesome people? From what I can tell, probably roaming the woods in packs. Seriously, kids, go hug your parents now.
Ok, I think that’s it. The internet should really have some music that plays when you’ve gone on too long like they do at the Oscars. It’s been an amazing first year, everybody. I’m gonna go party…after today’s lessons, of course.
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