Dear Readers-
You’re probably wondering where I’ve been for the past couple of months. We had such a good thing going; we shared a few laughs, had deep, meaningful discussions…and then I was gone, just like that. I said something about reviewing music video games and told you I’d be right back with my report, and you waited patiently. And you continue to wait. I’m sorry. I guess I just got caught up in the rat race. But I didn’t write this to make excuses.
Okay… so I did, kinda. Actually, that’s just about the sole purpose of this entry.

First of all, no one told me writing reviews is so difficult. What I’m really getting hung up on is the rating system. I’m trying hard to develop a reviewing process that provides a unique insight into this type of gaming. I really want a defensible assessment strategy in place before I go forward with it. It’s almost ready, my lovelies, and I hope it’ll be worth the wait.
There was also the matter of my vacation to Seattle. I managed to forget both my computer and camera for the journey which still breaks my heart. We spent a day doing the typical touristy shlock which included a trip to the Experience Music Project, indisputably one of the coolest museums for music geeks–or really any type of geek, as we were also admitted to the Science Fiction Museum–that I have had the pleasure of visiting. But alas, no pictures, and no witty reflections on the occasion…yet.
Hopefully you’ve noticed that I haven’t been completely idle; the new banner contains two photos that I took myself. I finally got my recording situation at home worked out and have posted a few wedding songs. Original music will go up just as soon as I can figure out the legal implications of this (i.e, how to keep it from being stolen). By the way, if you have any useful information about this, please let me know.
I’m also going to start posting a practice log. I figure it borders hypocrisy to tell my students to practice every day while saying nothing about my own habits. I do practice almost every day; almost, because I travel occasionally and there’s not always a keyboard handy. This will be an exercise in keeping myself honest as well as an experiment to see how how many consecutive days I can keep it up. I’m gonna shoot for 100.
You could say that I’ve fallen into a bit of a rut here, but I’m beginning to pull myself out. Thanks to the magic of social media and other such modern conveniences, I’ve been able to share this blog with a wide range of people both from past and present lives, and I’ve started to receive a lot of encouragement from unexpected sources. To whoever is taking the time to read my clumsy rants, thank you. The fact that you find it worth reading inspires me to crank out more of it. To add one more rom-com reference to this post, you complete me.
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