I’ve made no effort to hide the fact that I’m a well-educated individual. I even say I earned my degree instead of “got” or “acquired” it. I know that sounds pompous. I just want to emphasize the fact that heroic effort and cunning was involved. It’s this attitude, I think, coupled with the fact that I studied something artsy-fartsy like #music that often gets me labeled as an elitist. That and the top hat and monocle I’m always wearing. [Read more…]
Music and the Gamer Generation
I still have a soft spot for the things I loved as a child, and the thing I loved most as a child was video games. Like many of my generation, I have been gaming for essentially my whole life. I didn’t outgrow it as my parents hoped, and have only recently realized what a profound part of my upbringing gaming has played. [Read more…]
Organ Trail
Isn’t she adorable? I have a few more pictures in my wallet.
We have a history, she and I… Okay, so it’s only been two months–two glorious months— since she came into my life, but what can I say, I love her madly. I know I’ve already made that abundantly clear. Today, though, I attempt to justify writing like a thirteen-year-old in a Hello Kitty journal about my Wuvable Wucy. [Read more…]
Lucy in the Honda with Roaches, pt. 2
When last we left our heroes…actually, if you want to read the first part (and you should), please, catch up first. Seriously, I’ll wait.
And now, the exciting conclusion…
I lay stretched out on the couch. I still ached from all the lifting and moving, and now my brain was beginning to feel the lull. It was two in the morning. Sleep was tempting, but I knew better. [Read more…]
Lucy in the Honda with Roaches, pt.1
Fun title, huh? I can explain. It’s kind of a long story, but I’ve told it many times and I’m getting pretty good at it so I’m gonna try to write it out. I’ve been getting a little too high up on my soapbox lately, so I thought I’d try and settle down with something a little more fun. [Read more…]
Who is the Ivoryman?
Let me just get this out of the way…
No elephants were harmed in the creation of this blog. I am in no way affiliated with any known poachers or big game hunters, and I don’t know anything about jewelry of any kind. This blog has nothing to do with ivory at all, actually. So if you’re an angry PETA member looking for someone on the internet to harass, look elsewhere. [Read more…]